姓名 |
黃珺珮 |
學位 |
博士 |
職稱 |
助理教授 |
導師情況 |
碩士研究生導師(學術型、專業型) |
研究領域 |
體育學,教育學 |
研究方向 |
體育教育管理、體育經濟與管理🚟、體育與城市發展、體育與環境可持續、大數據與體育管理👩🏻🔧、健康經濟學 |
23174@dgszzn.cn |
聯系電話 |
021-65981211 |
通訊地址 |
上海市四平路1239號,杏宇娱乐體育教學部(200092) |
1.個人簡介 黃珺珮,博士,碩士生導師,畢業于杏宇娱乐經濟與管理學院,長期致力于體育經濟與管理、健康經濟學等方向的研究,在Cities🚔、Journal of Cleaner Production、Environmental Research等國際SCI/SSCI期刊發表論文十餘篇。 2.發表論文 [1] How can urban economic complexity promote green economic growth in China? The perspective of green technology innovation and industrial structure upgrading. 2024.Journal of Cleaner Production.(中科院一區top5%) [2] The influence of the Beijing Winter Olympic games on the demand for winter sports: An empirical analysis based on the Baidu Index. 2023.Heliyon. [3] Do Prevention and Control Measures Work? Evidence from the Outbreak of COVID-19 in China. 2021.Cities.(中科院一區top5%) [4] The Health Benefit of Physical Exercise on COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Mainland China. 2022.Plos One. [5] The Influence of Weather Conditions on the COVID-19 Epidemic: Evidence from 279 Prefecture-level Panel Data in China. 2022.Environmental Research. [6] Are Sports Champions Also Anti-Epidemic Heroes? Quantitative Research on the Influence of Sports Champions’ Demonstration Effect on the COVID-19 Epidemic in China. 2022.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. [7] Sports Participation and Anti-Epidemic: Empirical Evidence on the Influence of Regular Physical Activity on the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mainland China. 2022.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. [8] Traffic control and social distancing evidence from COVID-19 in China. 2021.Plos One. [9] Can Intellectual Property Protection Promote Domestic Value Added in Exports? Evidence from mainland China. 2023.The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development. [10] Can Highway Networks Promote Productivity? Evidence from China. 2021.Journal of Advanced Transportation. [11] Statistical System of Cultural Heritage Tourism Information Based on Image Feature Extraction Technology. 2022.Mathematical Problems in Engineering. |
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